Monday, November 03, 2008

Back to Business: McDougall Day 1

After a month of VeganMoFo and numerous birthday celebrations, I feel the need for a stretch of healthy eating. So for the next ten days, I'll be doing the McDougall 10-Day Program which always leaves me feeling good after a massive month of sugar consumption!

Breakfast was my ginger pear oatmeal:

Lunch was a chickpea sandwich spread (recipe) and a green smoothie (almond milk, banana, flax seed, and kale):

Forgot to take a picture of dinner (mexican salad) but here's dessert..our sliced kiwi and apple habit in the evening has returned!

Two winters ago we started this fruit in the evening habit. I'll cut up an apple and a kiwi and hubby and I will share it. We haven't had many colds for the past two winters either. Hopefully the fruit is responsible!

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